UIUC Perinatal Research Recruitment Pipeline
1. Prenatal Pregnancy
- PI: Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo. Dept: Health and Kinesiology. Criteria: Women 27 weeks pregnant who have been diagnosed with diabetes to participate in a diabetes disease management and depression study that explores the association between diabetes education and patients perceived efficacy. Contact: 217-244-9363, radd-moms@Illinois.edu
- PI: Brian Monson. Dept: Speech and Hearing Science. Criteria: Seeking female participants between 20 and 32 weeks pregnant for research to better understand what fetuses hear on a daily basis. Contact: 217-300-6212 or email anex-lab@illinois.edu, or monson@illinois.edu
- PI: Heidemarie Laurent Dept: Psychology. Criteria: Women before their 32nd week of pregnancy required to participate in a study about stress regulation and resilience in pregnant women and their babies. End Date: August 26, 2021 Contact: 217-300-5773 or email psychPRISMlab@illinois.edu
- PI: Heidemarie Laurent . Dept: Psychology. Criteria: Women before 28 weeks of pregnancy will be paid up to $160 along with free or subsidized birthing classes for participating in this study that tests the effects of different kinds of birthing classes on mothers’ wellbeing and bonding with their babies. End Date: August 26, 2021 Contact: 217-300-5773 or email psychPRISMlab@illinois.edu
- PI: Heidemarie Laurent. Dept: Psychology. Pregnancy and childbirth mindfulness classes. Contact: mindfulbirthCU@gmail.com
- PI: Wen-Hao David Huang. Dept: Education Policy, Organization and Leadership. Criteria: Seeking prenatal and postpartum women for a maternal health study to improve the screening technology for maternal mental health. End Date: May 2020 Contact: mohdhaj1@illinois.edu
2. 0-6 Months Postpartum
- PI: Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo. Dept: Health and Kinesiology. Criteria: Seeking mothers 0 – 6 months postpartum to participate in a study that seeks to understand pain and the brain in new mothers. Contact: 217-244-9363 or e-mail dappp-study@Illinois.edu
- PI: Erin Davis. Dept: Division of Nutritional Sciences. Criteria: Seeking exclusively breastfeeding mother-infant pairs less than 6 weeks postpartum. End Date: May 2020 Contact: 504-237-9730 or uiuc.POPPY@gmail.com
- PI: Heejin Kim. Dept: Food Science and Human Nutrition. Criteria: Seeking 3-month-old formula-fed infants for research study. Contact: 224-392-8236, monaco@illinois.edu or hkim248@illinois.edu
- PI: Wen-Hao David Huang. Dept: Education Policy, Organization and Leadership. Criteria: Seeking prenatal and postpartum women for a maternal health study to improve the screening technology for maternal mental health. End Date: May 2020 Contact: mohdhaj1@illinois.edu
- PI: Jaclyn Aldridge. Dept: Psychology. Criteria: Seeking children 4- to 36-months to watch a short puppet show while we measure his/her looking time. Flexible appointments, free parking and a supervised play area for siblings. Contact: 217-333-5988 or email danowitz@illinois.edu or infantlab@illinois.edu.
3. 6-12 Months Postpartum
- PI: Wen-Hao David Huang. Dept: Education Policy, Organization and Leadership. Criteria: Seeking prenatal and postpartum women for a maternal health study to improve the screening technology for maternal mental health. End Date: May 2020 Contact: mohdhaj1@illinois.edu
- PI: Renee Bailargeon. Dept: Psychology. Criteria: Seeking children 4- to 36-months to watch a short puppet show while we measure his/her looking time. Flexible appointments, free parking and a supervised play area for siblings, and offer a choice of either a new children’s book or at least $15 for visit. Contact: 217-333-5988 or email danowitz@illinois.edu or infantlab@illinois.edu.
4: 1 Year to 3 Years
- PI: Winnie Chung. Dept: Psychology. Criteria: Seeking 13- to 16-month-old infants for a word-learning study. In a 30-minute visit to the lab, your child would sit on your lap and watch a video; we record where children look while listening to sentences. Free parking and babysitting for siblings are provided; children choose a book to take home. End Date: August 1, 2019 Contact: 217-244-6098 or email lalab@illinois.edu
- PI: Renee Bailargeon. Dept: Psychology. Criteria: Seeking children 4- to 36-months to watch a short puppet show while we measure his/her looking time. Flexible appointments, free parking and a supervised play area for siblings, and offer a choice of either a new children’s book or at least $15 for visit. Contact: 217-333-5988 or email danowitz@illinois.edu or infantlab@illinois.edu.